About Us
Health Systems Action is a multidisciplinary networked consultancy helping solve problems in a One Health context, i.e., the complex systems that link human health to health care, planetary health, financing, data, and technology.
Partnership and Collaboration
We look for partners with shared values and strong technical expertise who are team players.
Navigating Change
Local and global challenges demand resilience and adaptability, guiding healthcare providers and systems through unprecedented and rapid change.

Partners and Collaborators

Insight Health Solutions
Insight provides health actuarial and analytics services in 30 countries: actuarial modelling, data management, business intelligence and analysis to help clients manage risk and develop opportunities, tailoring advice to each varied context.

MAST Analytics
Co-founders Cristina Mannie, pharmacist and public health specialist, and Stefan Strydom, data scientist, are a team passionate about combining clinical disciplines with data, analytics and AI to improve public health.

Cristina Mannie
Co-founder, Mast Analytics

Stefan Strydom
Co-founder, Mast Analytics

Dr Michelle Youngleson
Michelle is a medical doctor and Quality Improvement specialist affiliated for 20 years with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement,

Dr Andrea Huggett
Andrea is a medical doctor and change maker with experience in healthcare and financial services, managing software development, claims and underwriting teams, a wellness programme, HR management and recruitment, data analysis, reporting and research.

Adam Todes
Adam is a UCT-qualified electrical and computing engineer and analyst with a passion for bringing data to life using models that optimise efficiency, intuition and insight.